Wednesday, November 17, 2010

DB 11

What are the main differences and similarities? 
Eugene Smith’s and Sebastio Salgado’s collection of photographs seemed to capture that of trouble, suffering and despair. They were not afraid to capture the gruesome aspects of lives. They both expressed strong opinions on human nature and the state of some human living. Salgado was lucky enough to travel to Africa and document the working conditions and lives of the people living there. While Smith actually attended the war and chose to document the tragities that occurred while he was there. In contrast, Andre Kertesz’s and Henri Cartier Bresson’s photography is more focused on aesthetics than human lives and the conditions of which they live. Their photography is simple in subject matter compared to that of Smith and Salgado. This isn’t to say that their work is any less impressive or important, only that they are not considered photojournalists. 
What is the better Journalistic approach?
I think that to be a good photojournalist you should refrain from editing you photographs. Photojournalism is a form of news and the news written, spoken, or photographed should not be altered. The message should be clear and unedited, if photographs are edited the message can come across differently than it should. It could become worse or better than what it actually is. I also feel that if a photojournalist goes unnoticed while they are taking photographs it is more organic way of capturing photographs. If the subject (people or animal) see the photographer while they are taking photographs the subject may change their actions, changing the authenticity of the photograph. With this opinion in mind I  believe that Eugene Smith and Sebastio Salgado have the better journalistic approaches. 

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